Borbély Műhely in Lamantin Club

Time: 2022. May 28. (Saturday) 20.30

Place: Weöres Sándor Theatre – Márkus Emília Hall

Borbély Mihály – saxophone, wind instruments

Tálas Áron – Piano

Horváth Balázs – double bass

G. Szabó Hunor – Drums

The band of likeminded musicians was founded around the millennium by Borbély Mihály, an artist at home in the fields of folk, world, contemporary and jazz music alike. He has been awarded Artisjus, eMeRTON, the Knight’s Cross, Szabó Gábor and Liszt awards, as well as Kossuth and Prima awards as a member of Vujicsics Ensemble. Their improvisational style combines several currents in jazz with the heritage of folk music from the Carpathians and Balkans. The eMeRTon-winning band has played in Hungary, Europe, and twice in Mexico, where they found great success. So far, they have released five albums with the prestigious BMC Publishing, of which two (“Meselia Hill” and “Gyere Hozzám Estére”) have been named Hungarian Jazz Record of the Year by the critics of well-regarded Hungarian jazz publication, Gramofon. Their sixth album is set to be published soon.